Want rocket science?…then forget “The Perfect System”

This blog credits me as the founder of “The Perfect System” (TPS). And I regularly get asked what is is all about. So what is TPS? Is it some new, revolutionary, hi-tech, blow-you-away system? Is it difficult to implement? Is it only for large corporates, or can a small and medium sized company also benefit from it?

What are the principles of TPS?

You may be amazed or you may be disappointed by the answers to the above. If you expect rocket science I guess you will be disappointed. If you expect something that is complicated and need PhD’s (or over-paid SAP consultants) to implement, you may experience different emotions (depending on whether you are a PhD or SAP consultant).

TPS is shockingly SIMPLE. TPS is based on 10 underlining basic business principles. Almost Business 101. So ANY company will benefit from implementing them. You will see an improvement in profit. You will experience greater customer satisfaction. You will have more productive staff members. You will have better processes.

I will start discussing some of the principles of TPS in the coming weeks. Why do you not start guessing what they are? Or at least comment on what the important issues should be to achieve the benefits of TPS.