The stupid are cocksure… as if you didn’t notice

“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.” Bertrand Russell

Nuff said

How sad is this quote – but o so true! We all work with people that are ever so confident. You can tell them nothing. They know it all, nobody can tell them anything. They are so clever. I am sure at this time you are thinking about John, Andy and Susan. Because you recognise this behaviour. And I would like to bet you some real money that these people are not bright – let us put it straight – they are stupid!

I was at a party once where this young turk was telling all those who wanted to listen about his great job. About how, as an IT operator, he is writing programs, developing the IT strategy and all other great things. I was listening with great interest. As a system engineer, I knew exactly what an IT operator’s job entailed. And it was not even closely as glamorous as he made it out to be. At the time it was an entry-level job and it was basically one where the operator had to make backups, after hours, of the day’s work. It did not include any of the things he mentioned. This cocksure guy must have sensed something from my direction at the end of the night. He asked me casually what I do for a living. I responded -“I am a system engineer at IBM.” After all these years I still remember the stupid guy’s face when he realised that I know that he has talking the biggest bull all night. I just turned around and left as he was trying to say “But I am not really an operator…”

This episode reminds me of a great quote: “Rather keep quiet and be thought a fool, than speak and remove all doubt”

What can we learn from this story?

  • Always doubt / question a person that is too confident (or too cocksure)
  • Intelligent people are generally less talkative – so if you want to appoint an A-team, steer clear from the loud mouths. Intelligent people listen before they talk, but when they talk, it is all sense
  • The more talk, the less action. Surely you want someone that will do the work, not talk all day?
  • Big talkers probably have IQ’s in the range of room temperature