Even a monkey can be an entrepreneur… well almost

  • What is an entrepreneur?
  • What qualities will ensure that an entrepreneur is successful?
  • A Google search shows hundreds of different qualities and skills – some of it a whole lot of hogwash. Most people are trying to complicate it too much.

Can a monkey be a successful entrepreneur?

Here is my take on the most important qualities:

  1. The customer is king. As simple as that! Without a customer with unsatisfied needs, you have nothing, nada, zero. If you ignore this, no number of superior skills will make you successful. Understand what “turns the customer on”. Then develop a product or service that will delight and excite them.
  2. Work with an A-team. You may think you know everything, but you don’t – and you should definitely not do everything. Associate yourself with the best. Forget your uncle, wife or best friend. If they are not the very best, do not appoint them in your business. In fact – do not appoint them – full stop. Family should not be part of your business! (With apology to those successful family businesses – I believe they would be even more successful with non-family members)
  3. Be creative. Whether it is in problem solving, the way you advertise, the way you treat everybody, etc. Be dynamic. Forget tradition. Do things the way it should be done today, not how you have done them in the past. Do things better, cheaper and smarter than your competitors. Differentiate!
  4. Always remember the basics. Business 101. The PERFECT SYSTEM (my coin phrase for a simple but super efficient system). Do not waste any resources. Spend your money wisely – will it lead to higher profits? Or does it merely give you a warm feeling? Or feed your large ego?
  5. Keep your eyes and ears open! Even when you sleep :-). Opportunities are all over the place – in your face 24 hours a day. Copy other people’s successes. Listen to what people say. They are screaming about things they are willing to pay for.

Seems too simple? Yes it is. If you have these skills, you may be be a successful entrepreneur. And you thought an entrepreneur is a tough career?  Even a monkey can be one… well almost

Please tell me what you think of this post! What do you think it takes to be an entrepreneur?