Bad advice: Look for a safe secure job

In his book Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki wrote “Today the most dangerous advice you can give your child is to ‘Go to school, get good grades and look for a safe secure job” Kiyosaki goes on to say “That is old advice, and it’s bad advice. If you could see what is happening in Asia, Europe, and South America, you would be as concerned a I am

South Africa is no different. In the current economic environment, more and more people are forced to seek their own employment. The future of this country lies in small to medium sized enterprises and not in corporations as in the past.

Motivation starts with the desire to be free, to be free from depending on others, freedom to live the lifestyle we dream of, freedom to explore our ideas. Motivation is a need, vision, dream or desire to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Start reprogramming you mind, starting today, with positive thoughts. Expel all negative things and use your energy and focus your efforts on building wealth for yourself. Not only will you gain more self-confidence and be happier, but you will also make money like never before.

Running a successful business increases self-confidence and self-worth. If an enterprise is built on sound business principles and one is dedicated and willing to work hard, there is very little chance of failure. Owning your own business is one of the best ways to gain wealth, provided you know what is required.

South Africa has gone through some major changes during the last couple of years. Gone are the days when full-time employment was a fact of life, and when an individual could pick and choose amongst various jobs. Job security is now up to you, and not up to your employer. You should start realizing that now, and take charge of your life through positive thinking.