Celebrate FAILURES of the year

Focus on your failures for the years as they are nothing but successes in disguise

Celebrate failures of the year. 2014 is rushing to an end. December is traditionally a time for reflection. Reflection generally means that we take stock, we evaluate our performance and we realise we have not spent enough time with our loved ones. We celebrate our achievements but we should also celebrate our failures of the year.

Yes – I have said it! Celebrate our FAILURES!

“Without reflection we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.”
Margaret J. Wheatley

The successes are easy to celebrate and put us in a positive state of mind. It builds confidence, it gives us a warm feeling. “Wow – I did well, I am the man, I am the best!”

But let’s concentrate on the failures. During 2014 I can list the following FAILURES:

1. Attended a training session and sales conference in the USA with 13 500 associates, received extensive training in the business model and gave it all up at the end of February. My investment in actual cost, time and loss of other income: R300 000+
2. Offered my expertise at no cost to a number of business associates and friends. Loss of income: R150 000+.
3. Got involved with two business chambers – attended meetings, spend time setting up systems and structures, organised network functions, acted as guest speaker – all without being paid one cent. Cost of time, loss of income and traveling expenses: R175 000+.

4. As I write this post, I am watching a business empire, where many dear friends and associates either work or are invested in, crash spectacularly. No cost or loss for me, but I empathise with those that have only given their best and who have no role in the downfall.

It adds up to a cool R625 000! More than half a million rand that I “gave” away.

CELEBRATE the failures of the year:

YES – I made many new friends and met successful business associates, some who have already become paid customers or are an excellent source of referrals for future business. Potential income in next 12 month: R1 250 000
YES – I had hands-on experience on one of the very best business models in the world. I have already applied some of the concepts in my planning and are advising customers about how to implement these core values in their business. Potential income lost: R500 000
YES – I realised what I do NOT want to do and learned to focus on my core competencies: Value: Incalculable.
YES – I got exposure and established myself as an expert in my field. Developed insight into diverse industries. Helped others achieve success. Gained new knowledge and skills. Paid it forward. Were reminded of the importance of ethics and good business principles and that one should never take anything for granted.  Value: Priceless

Thus instead of crying and feeling sorry for myself because of these “failures” I realised that they may actually be SUCCESSES – disguised as failures. My loss in income is LESS than what I will gain from it – and is that not an indication of SUCCESS?

“As the holiday season is upon us, I find myself reflecting on the past year and on those who have helped shape my personal life and business in a most significant way. I value my relationship with you and look forward to working with you in the year to come.
I wish you and your loved ones a very happy Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace, health and prosperity.”